Wow! Casey Affleck just shared one of my works on Instagram and he already has over 1500 likes. If you're here after seeing me on Casey's...
Category: Other Subject Matter
Sam Allardyce
I'm still in too much of a rush today. After that Gareth Southgate disaster, I thought I'd move on to Big Sam. At least I know from drawing him...
Gareth Southgate
So the Euros have started and I'll be watching all three games today. That's two good reasons for doing this inknse portrait of Gareth Southgate -...
Pale Horse Rider
OK, so I was in an Allman Betts Band mood today. After painting Devon Allman, I thought I should really also paint Duane Betts. But the best...
Long Gone
I was flicking through one of my Jean Haines books last night for inspiration and decided to do something in her style today. the subject matter...
The Sea Fit
Two paintings in one day and the second is even better than the first. After doing that first painting, it felt too early to be stopping but I...
I've not done my artwork lately. Too busy with a correspondence chess tournament - these things tend to take over your life. But with one game...
Inktense pencils are just too much fun to draw with, so here's another. It's a debut for Margaret. I've cropped her so I get no hands or feet. ...
Kevin At The Interview
It's too hot outside today: watercolour paint will dry far too quickly. So I'm indoors with the inktense pencils. It's back to one of my...
I Said In That Case I’ll Have A Manhattan. She Said Fine. And In Thirty Seconds Time…
Right then. How we doin'? Back on the roooad! Sorry. Been watching too many Rate My Takeaway videos on YouTube. Anyway, back to painting today...
The Joy Of Six
I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down. This...
Annual Self Portrait 2021
As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait? I've decided that I need to do a self portrait every...
Ten Greatest Chess Players
Continuing to experiment, today I'm trying two new approaches with the new drawing technique: multiple portraits crammed together and combining...
Jimi Hendrix
I have two watercolour blocks here, so straight after drawing Neil Young (and before painting him) I grabbed my other block and drew Jimi Hendrix....
Neil Young
Dear oh dear. After the successes of Duane and Big Sam, I felt confident enough to have a go at this style of drawing on watercolour paper and...
Duane Allman & Sam Allardyce
I'm going to try out something new this morning. I'm going to start with a Charles Reid style contour drawing. He recommends starting from the...
Michael, Kneeling
There really needs to be a Sky Naked Figure Drawing Of The Year program. I'm sure I could make a decent crack of it. Inktense pencils are the...
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
This was quite quick to paint but took me all day to plan, so let's talk about planning first. I've had an idea for a while about doing a painting...
Ben Talks Football
Portraits with markers always come in pairs. After that Tommy Cooper effort, I wasn't feeling confident enough to draw someone famous, so I headed...
Tommy Cooper
I've not had the markers out for a while and it's raining outside, so I'm having a go at a couple of portraits today. I'm not convinced by my last...