Category: Friends & Family

Paul With Markers

I've been out most of the day but came back to see some Facebook banter from old Christ's boy Paul wondering whether he could get me to send him...

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This is Tracey, a friend of the family.  She dabbles in painting herself and gave us. Painting of our dog Ruby last Christmas and it's been at the...

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Heeeere’s Jonny

I’ve had an idea for another set of marker portraits to get started on but had just one page left in a sketchbook and didn't want the set to...

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Another exercise from the Bert Dodson book.  I was tasked with drawing a portrait of someone with a head pointed downwards so that the face was a...

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Ben Talks Football

Portraits with markers always come in pairs.  After that Tommy Cooper effort, I wasn't feeling confident enough to draw someone famous, so I headed...

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I've fallen into a trap.  Now everybody wants me to draw their portrait on their birthday.  This weekend it was Cathy's birthday and this is my...

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It's also Lizzie's birthday today, so here's another portrait.  I think this is more recognisably Lizzie than Amanda was Amanda.  You can see from...

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I'm quite getting into this portrait drawing with markers, although I still have a long way to go before I can call myself anything near...

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Another portrait.  This is Clive the bantering butcher from the local farmshop at MB Farms ( in Stockbury,...

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More Tuesday portraiture and it's another bassist and Facebook friend.  This is Jimbo, a mate from school, bassist with grungy rock duo Matildaz...

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Roy With A Beard

It's Tuesday and Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year is on later, so I was in the mood for a bit of portraiture.  Obviously using markers.  I'm nowhere...

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Nathan In Colour

My first exercise with these new markers was to trace out the picture I'd drawn of Nathan  a couple of  months ago and apply a bit of colour to it....

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This is the result of one of the exercises in Keys To Drawing by Bert Dodson.  It's a portrait of one of my kids in the style of Henri Matisse.  I...

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Father And Son

That review of Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain is coming soon, I promise!

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I'm doing two paintings today.  Both are based on photos transcribed onto paper by dividing them into grids.  Both have the figures masked out, the...

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