Category: Films – Other

Charlie Cheswick

And finally we have Charlie Cheswick, played by Sydney Lassick. This was the portrait I've been most looking forward to doing. Seeing this photo...

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Dale Harding

Nearly there now. Number seven in the collection is Dale Harding, played by William Redfield. A decent enough likeness but quite a boring...

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Bruce Frederickson

Next in the queue for meds at Nurse Ratched's booth is Bruce Frederickson, played by Vincent Schiavelli. He doesn't say or do much in the film but...

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Chief Bromden

I don't normally do this but I've done a third marker painting in a day. This is The Chief, played by Will Sampson. He seemed the character most...

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Fourth up is Martini (I can't find his first name) played by Danny DeVito. This film is just packed with names. I've done Martini in purple just...

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Billy Bibbit

Number three in the collection is Billy Bibbit, played by Brad Dourif. I've used the green marker here, reflecting Billy's innocence. Likeness...

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Max Taber

Next up is Max Taber, played by Christopher Lloyd. Probably the scariest of all the patients in the film, like an unexploded bomb. It was a no...

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Randle McMurphy

Another big collection of marker portraits on the way. This time it's eight patients from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, one of the greatest...

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Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that's been on my to do list for a while. It's the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in...

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A Clockwork Orange

Another watercolour today.  This is based on a publicity shot for A Clockwork Orange, a famous 1971 Stanley Kubrick film.  With the white face and...

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Ok so, as I said last time, I asked the spreadsheet on the iPad what to paint next it told me to paint a portrait using the Shire supergranulators...

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Nurse Mildred Ratched

This is Nurse Ratched, famously played by Louise Fletcher in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest in a performance that won her the Best Actress Oscar...

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United Underworld

And here's the United Underworld collection all together. Catwoman maybe looks a little weak but, being drawn at a different distance and with her...

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Gosh!  And the Catwoman too!  The four of them, their forces combined…why, the sum of the angels in that rectangle is too monstrous to...

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The Joker

The Joker!  Woi if only Oi had a nickel for every time he's foxed us! Yes, third up it's The Joker, played by Cesar Romero.  I decided overnight...

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The Riddler

The Riddler!  Back to plague us with his criminal conundrums! Next up in the United Underworld collection is The Riddler, played by Frank Gorshin....

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The Penguin

The Penguin!  Pompous waddling master of foul play, maestro of a million ubiquitous umbrellas! We're off on another collection of marker portraits...

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Pulp Fiction

I have a day's respite today from preparing for the art studio and thought I'd better dust off some cobwebs and get back to my artwork.  After...

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Twelve Angry Men

I saw this film on the telly the other day.  Twelve Angry Men.  It was released in 1957 and is a masterpiece.  Twelve members of a jury debate a...

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