Category: And This Is Me

Annual Self Portrait 2024

So at last I've finally done a self portrait in watercolour.  I was in the mood for supergranulators today and picked out the tundra set. I...

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The Under The Desk Collection

Well, I can tell you that I will definitely be entering for Portrait Artist Of The Year again this time around.  Because, even if I don't have any...

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Under The Desk IV

And that's the Under The Desk collection completed.  For the colour scheme I chose the grey markers, putting down some vague value shapes and then...

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Under The Desk III

Here's the third in the under the desk collection.  Today The main two colours were my light and dark green.  Just as with the previous two...

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Under The Desk II

Look, I'm allowed to change my mind, OK?  Yesterday's portrait grew on me and Monday tends to be a short day, so I thought I'd continue with the...

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Under The Desk I

Applications for Portrait Artist Of The Year need to be in by the end of January, so I thought I'd better make a start on the 2024 self portrait...

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Derwent Art Prize 2024

I've no idea how things will turn out but I've entered these two bad boys for the Derwent Art Prize 2024.  Entries have to be in pencil but that...

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An FIA No More

Some news that I should probably put up here so that people don't get the wrong idea.  I've just resigned my membership of the Institute and...

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I Can Read Your Mind

So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio.  Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...

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Looking At You

So here it is.  I've finally gotten around to using the second of the shelves I helped myself to when the in laws threw out that old fridge.  The...

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Annual Self Portrait 2023

It's that time of year when a certain job comes up.  It's time for the annual self portrait, something that I've been looking forward to for a...

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Annual Self Portrait 2022

It's time for the annual self portrait and after two years of inktense pencils, this year's portrait is in oil pastels.  I have a long way to go...

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My Feet

And here's the last of the Bert Dodson exercise drawings that I'll be sharing.  I think all he asked us to do was to make ourselves comfortable and...

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My Eyes

It's been a couple of years since I first read Keys To Drawing by Bert Dodson.  My original plan was to attempt every single exercise in the book...

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My Left Foot

After painting The Graduate, I wanted to keep experimenting with the oil pastels.  I've still not really worked out what I'll normally be painting...

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Logical Right Eye

And so straight on to the right eye.  The same techniques as I used for the left eye.  Whereas with watercolours and to a lesser extent inktense...

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Artistic Left Eye

It seems the best way to learn how to use oil pastels is to watch videos on YouTube.  Today I watched Scrooge The Profit describing the rule of...

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Annual Self Portrait 2021

As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait?  I've decided that I need to do a self portrait every...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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