Category: Abstract/Crazy

The Tree Of Life

My second painting of the day was a lot more successful. The underpainting was again in ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna.  With two...

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The Happiest Days Of Our Lives

Today's painting is dedicated to the recently departed Sir Alan Parker, who directed (as well as many other films) The Wall, a film featuring all...

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(Two Of) The Hateful Eight

I thought it was about time I went back to my most popular series of paintings, the abstractified Westerns.  Today, I found a still from The...

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The Hidden Gorilla

I've finished the experimental painting that I started on Thursday. I’ve added more watercolour.  This again is mainly Prussian blue, Indian...

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Another Experiment

I've been taking another look through Ann Blockley's Watercolour Workshop over the last couple of evenings, so was in the mood for another of those...

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Goldfinch On Cheese

I've saved the best until last, and here it is.  Goldfinch On Cheese. It's quite a normal landscape compared to the other two paintings but it's...

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We’re Going To The Zoo Zoo Zoo

And here's my second of the day. The big mistake I made on this one was to paint over everything with watercolour ground.  It ruined the sky...

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Bubble Horse Horse Bubble

It's a bank holiday, the sun's out and I'm back on the watercolours for the first time in months.  I've been pining for orange over the last couple...

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And here's the second of the day.  This is all out abstract.  I cracklepasted a board a couple of days ago (with watercolour ground applied to the...

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Mount Rushmore

Now this is more like it!  A painting on an experimental surface that worked.  The faces were all torn out of the Mail On Sunday dated 11 August...

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Blue Skye

After reading that Jane Betteridge book, I thought it was time to start painting on some unusual surfaces.  First up was painting on a map.  I...

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Bledlow Poppy

Well, I had a go at rescuing what was left after those two experiments. I painted over the sky, the trees and the orange background fields using...

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Failed Experiment Part 2

So, after that failed experiment, I thought I'd experiment some more.  Let's face it, I had nothing to lose. So I had some crumpled aluminium foil...

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Failed Experiment Part 1

Today's painting was an experiment that went really badly. I sketched out a composition first.  A bit of sky, a field in the background and a...

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It's been brewing for a while but I finally went to the shops yesterday to buy a transparent warm (orangey) red as a potential replacement for the...

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He Knows, Doctor, He Knows

I'd had a couple of requests to paint a Star Trek scene and this is what I came up with.  It's based on a shot near the end of The City At The Edge...

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After the roaring success of Once Upon A Time In The West, I thought I'd have a go at another Western.  This time it's Tombstone, the best of the...

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Once Upon A Time In The West

After the rubbish that I put out yesterday, I was determined to paint an ink-free watercolour again as soon as possible but to do it properly,...

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