Category: Abstract/Crazy

Ancient Lights

Abstract landscapes don't drain me as much as serious paintings, so after the last one, I was ready for a repeat performance. After a little bit...

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A Haunted Island

I'm taking a day off from serious watercolour painting today and going back to abstract landscapes.  I'm going back to the palette knife technique...

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Blackpool Pleasure Beach

My second episode as a wildcard at Landscape Artist Of The Year was screened in February 2023 but here's what I had to say after filming in June...

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Force Of Life

So here's my second painting of the day.  Again, this was all about having fun rather than creating a masterpiece.  My idea on this one was to...

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Once Upon A Time In The West Again

Time for a watercolour again and today was looking like a good day to be painting in the garden.  After yesterday's success with a Western and the...

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The Listener

My Dad's had a new kitchen fitted.  When I dropped in to see him, I rescued a bunch of old kitchen shelves from a skip in the drive with the...

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A Desert Episode

In that last painting, Six Ways To Look At The Moon, I was so pleased with how the bottom left subpainting turned out that I thought I'd have a go...

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Six Ways To Look At The Moon

I'm a bit short of ideas for watercolours at the moment.  Maybe I need to wander around the village again but only if I'm prepared to put in some...

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The Insanity Of Jones

I'd got the last page of my watercolour block so thought I'd go all out on applying some texture to the painting surface without having to worry...

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The Sea Fit

Two paintings in one day and the second is even better than the first. After doing that first painting, it felt too early to be stopping but I...

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The Joy Of Six

I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down.  This...

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This run of village paintings is all very well but if I don't vary things around a bit, I'll settle into a rut and never get any better.  So I...

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Abstract Beginnings

Yesterday I kicked off an abstract painting.  I put on some masking tape and some directional masking fluid spatters.  Then laid on some nice thick...

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Moose On The Phoenix Trail

Reading that George Blacklock book during the week I started to think about how artists like Dali, Mageitte and Blacklock himself have common theme...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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The Cheetah Woman

After the painting experiment two days ago that I unwrapped yesterday, I had an overnight think and decided that I was going to press ahead and...

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Another Abstract Underpainting

The markers and inktense pencils haven't really been working out for me over the last week or so, so I thought I'd better brave the cold outside...

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