I was in an experimental mood today. I wanted to try out more of my new Inktense pencil colours, the saddle brown and sepia ink not having been...
Category: Paintings Named After
Today would have been Edgar Allen Poe's 215th birthday. I know this because I asked ChatGPT to name me a random celebrity born in January 19th....
Don't tell me that you didn't see this one coming. On this week's Dragons Den there will be a sixth dragon and six is a much better number for a...
Are You On TikTok?
And here's the fifth dragon in the den, Steven Bartlett. He's been given the flesh colour scheme, with the layers being putty, then soft peach,...
Reyt Oop My Street
The next dragon on the seat is Sara Davies. For a first layer I used bright orange, then henna, then cool grey 5. I was looking for an...
Touker Time!
Today's dragon is Touker Suleyman, a big favourite of mine. He's been given the grey colour scheme with cold grey 1, cold grey 4 and black. The...
And That’s Why I’m Going To Make You An Offer
Next up is Peter Jones. I went for a blue colour scheme to match his whistle: blue pearl, then sky blue, then indigo blue. The sky blue died...
Meanwhile Deborah Meaden Has Some Questions About The Company’s Green Credentials
It was only a matter of time before I had a go at three layer portraits with computer assistance using markers. I've identified six triplets of...
Today it's a portrait of Jimi Hendrix. You can tell that I've used the Artist Assist App again just by looking at this one. I was planning to do...
Ross Kemp: Go With Your Gut
Since Pigpen went so well, I’ve been wondering whether I could fit a triple triple glazed portrait into the four hours that artists are allowed in...
Look Over Yonder
I'm still on the watercolours today but not in the mood to work long and hard at a painting. Maybe it's because The Ashes are on; maybe it's...
Heeeere’s Jonny
I’ve had an idea for another set of marker portraits to get started on but had just one page left in a sketchbook and didn't want the set to...
Egyptian Sorcery
Just a quick one today. I had that one crackle pasted board still waiting to be used and wanted to cross it off my list so here goes. I started...
Ancient Sorceries
I fancied giving the oil pastels another go today. It feels like too long since I came up with a decent oil pastel painting. I looked through my...
I Can Read Your Mind
So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio. Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...
A Bit Of Wood
So what have you painted today? A tree. What have you called it? A Bit Of Wood - it's the name of an Alg…. Is it an interesting composition?...
A Victim Of Higher Space
I enjoyed painting the foreground in that last painting so much that I decided to go straight into another painting afterwards. So I reached for...
Looking At You
So here it is. I've finally gotten around to using the second of the shelves I helped myself to when the in laws threw out that old fridge. The...
Well this is something new. I'm writing up a painting before I've taken a photo because it's being left to dry overnight and seems to still be...
The South Wind
Yesterday was a day off but I'm back painting again today. I'm still not feeling up to painting some dead serious watercolours with my usual...