Category: Watercolour

Time Portal

11 June 2018 This is bad.  Very bad.  I still think the idea was a good one.  A landscape on a nice day, but with a sort of lens in front of it...

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Lightning Over Henley-On-Thames

6 June 2018 Some more lightning, this time over Henley-On-Thames. You can probably tell that this painting's been cropped.  There was a car and...

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Icebergs Off Newfoundland

6 June 2018 There's a village somewhere in Newfoundland that enjoys the sight every year of all these huge icebergs floating slowly past.  It...

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Lightning Over West Wellow

27 May 2018 There were some cracking thunderstorms in late May and I thought I'd have a go at painting one.  I dug around on the BBC News website...

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Trees Against A Green Sky

25 May 2018 I thought I'd try painting from real life.  Well, I say real life.  These trees are based on a couple of trees just over the fence in my...

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23 May 2018 This is based on an establishing shot in Unforgiven, a Clint Eastwood Western from 1992.  I've got a lot of Westerns in my DVD...

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21 May 2018 After the success with mountains a couple of days before (Susten Pass) I thought I had to have another go at a mountain scene from that...

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Susten Pass

17 May 2018 We've arrived at last at the Summer of 2018, when something clicked and I started churning out some pieces that I could be genuinely...

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Icelandic Mountains

25 October 2014 This was based on a photo I'd seen of some mountains in Iceland.  If you compared the painting to the photo, though, you'd not be...

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Random Sunset On Cheap Paper

24 August 2014 I'm confused by this one.  Did I really come up with this on the same day as the Ugly Bay?  Because I don’t remember doing two on...

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An Ugly Bay

24 August 2014 I don’t think this one has any redeeming features.  The hill at the back covered in trees is just embarrassing.

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Tower Bridge

29 May 2014 Now this us more like it.  It's based on a photo that a friend put up on Facebook of Tower Bridge in the fog on a very purple-looking...

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Ugliest One Yet

8 February 2014 I think this was based on a photo I saw in the Metro.  Someone on Facebook asked whether that was a tiger in the trees.  Says it...

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A Moody Sky

19 January 2014 Could there be hope?  This is the best painting for a long time, possibly second only to the Pathside Sheep.  The sky, the pink...

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An Ugly Tree

4 January 2014 I like the colour of the hill in the background.  I was very pleased with that. The rest of it is awful.

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Some Rocks

30 October 2013 Here are some rocks.  The painting is based on a photo of a rocky outcrop in a canyon somewhere in America.  It was another chance...

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An Ugly Mountain

29 October 2013 We’re now in the Facebook era and everything I paint is going up there.  This means I get to show off all the clunkers on this...

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Two Random Landscapes

I wasn’t very good at painting and not that committed to improving.  I would have a quick burst of painting, then do nothing for three or four...

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Pathside Sheep

So we finally get on to watercolour.  I've always been hopeless at drawing or painting, so I don't know why it was that I went on the watercolour...

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