Category: Supergranulators

Hills In Tundra Colours

The rain's finally stopped, so I'm back on the watercolours at last.  I thought I'd let myself back in gently by painting an imaginary landscape...

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Old Nuuk

Here we go then.  Back on the watercolours and it's a gentle return because I'm reaching for the tundra supergranulators and doing another painting...

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Avebury Stones

I was ready today to take a second stab at painting something with the Schmincke Shire watercolours.  I learned some lessons from my first go that...

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Clearing In Newington Woods

So, after all that swatching, here's my first go with the Shire supergranulating colours.  I trekked a mile or two across some fields in the...

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Supergranulating Swatches

Before having my first go with the shire supergranulators, I thought I'd swatch both of my supergranulating sets.  This is in the back of an old...

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Nuuk Art Museum

It was always going to be another supergranulating day today.  But tundra or shire?  I went for tundra.  The shire set is one that I might be able...

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Denali National Park 2

Still making my way through my pile of new art supplies and today it's a first outing for my Schmincke supergranulating tundra watercolours.  They...

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