Category: Multiple Supergranulators

Albert King

Today's painting is a long overdue subject and a less overdue experiment.  The subject is guitarist Albert King.  I've been making my way through...

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I really do need to finish my collection of planet paintings at some point so I'm back on the case today with Saturn.  For a while my plan had been...

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The Corbomite Manouver Collection

And here they are, all together.  Spock, Kirk and Scotty.  None of them brilliant individual paintings but as a set of three I think they look...

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Hoodoo In The Chinle Formation

Afternoon all.  First, the obligatory opening paragraph for this time of year.  A big hello if you're here trying to decide whether to invite me...

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Bowerman’s Nose, Dartmoor

Similar subject matter to yesterday but this time it's on Dartmoor rather than Bodmin Moor.  This is a stack of granite called Bowerman's Nose. ...

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Climate Change

It's been a while now since my last painting but I decided earlier in the week that today was going to be my first watercolour day of 2023.  The...

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