Category: Desert

John Henry Holliday

Yeah, June is taking a while to get started and I've gone for another easy option. It's a posterised portrait and, not only that, I've pretty well...

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Billy The Kid

I felt like doing a portrait today. I've been doing a lot of landscapes in an attempt to impress LAITY judges (newsflash: I've not made it to a...

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Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that's been on my to do list for a while. It's the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in...

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The Earps

After discovering Friday's disaster I wanted to come up with a proper painting of The Earps as quickly as possible.  This was finished ar about...

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Three Famous Gunslingers

<Edit: The day after I painted and posted this one I found that I'd screwed up.  The guy on the righteous Frank James, not Virgil Earp.  That...

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Tres Hombres

I wanted to have another go at painting ZZ Top after failing so badly a couple of days ago.  This time, though, it would be in watercolour and...

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Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott

Sometimes great ideas come into my head on my daily walks.  Today was one of those days.  Earlier this year I put together The Good The Bad and the...

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The Face Of Mars

Another day, another planet.  My latest idea for planet paintings (to go with the ideas of random surrealness and Roman gods) is to think about...

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Disapproval From Mount Rushmore

Another watercolour today.  I wanted to have another go with the desert supergranulators supplemented with cool blues after they worked out so well...

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The Mukurob (Finger Of God)

So after finishing Hazel Soan's African Watercolours I wanted to strike while the iron was hot and paint something influenced by the book.  For...

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A Hot Day In Nuuk

It was part 2 of the challenge today.  After painting a rocky scene with the tundra supergranulators yesterday, I wanted to paint an Arctic scene...

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Il Brutto

So here's part 3 of 3 and that's the collection complete.  Tuco followed the same methodology as the previous two paintings so, what I did (and I'm...

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Egyptian Sorcery

Just a quick one today.  I had that one crackle pasted board still waiting to be used and wanted to cross it off my list so here goes. I started...

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Dragon Path

Preparation of the site for my art studio is now complete, touch wood, so I can go back to painting even if I'm still feeling a little stressed.  I...

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