Category: Supergranulators

Julijske Alpe, Slovenia

Back to watercolours today. I've played all the Grateful Dead in the box of CDs that currently sits in my studio, so I won't be jamming with the...

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John Henry Holliday

Yeah, June is taking a while to get started and I've gone for another easy option. It's a posterised portrait and, not only that, I've pretty well...

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Billy The Kid

I felt like doing a portrait today. I've been doing a lot of landscapes in an attempt to impress LAITY judges (newsflash: I've not made it to a...

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Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that's been on my to do list for a while. It's the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in...

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Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

There was a certain man in Russia long ago. He was big, he was strong, in his eyes a flaming glow. Most people looked at him with terror and with...

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The Earps

After discovering Friday's disaster I wanted to come up with a proper painting of The Earps as quickly as possible.  This was finished ar about...

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Three Famous Gunslingers

<Edit: The day after I painted and posted this one I found that I'd screwed up.  The guy on the righteous Frank James, not Virgil Earp.  That...

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Nuuk Cathedral

Day two of my three watercolour landscapes in three days challenge and today it's buildings day.  I picked out a scene in Nuuk that had a church in...

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Ally MacLeod

A grim day today with a power cut in the morning and then no WiFi when the power came back on so I'm grabbing a sneaky coffee in Costa while I...

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Frank Bough

Of all the celebrities ever to have been disgraced after being caught in a tabloid sting, Frank Bough is the most likely to raise a smile and the...

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Brian Clough’s Finger

I thought I'd have a go at painting Brian Clough today.  It was always going to happen at some point.  I had a choice between source photos and...

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Towards Leysdown-On-Sea

The weather forecast was for quite a mild day with no rain, so I packed up for another plein air trip.  Today I felt like a trip to the seaside and...

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Ok so, as I said last time, I asked the spreadsheet on the iPad what to paint next it told me to paint a portrait using the Shire supergranulators...

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The Avengers 1965-67

And here they are together, Steed and Mrs Peel.  They go quite brilliantly together and are up for sale as a pair.

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Mrs Emma Peel

It was always going to happen.  Steed needed a partner.  I decided to go for Mrs Peel, a character that was sure to make a great painting. After...

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Heading Home, Queendown Warren

I wanted to try something different today.  I've had a go at doing a conventional landscape painting in three glazes using the Notanizer app.  The...

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Something about that Joe Jordan painting yesterday put me in a nostalgic mood and wanting to keep going back to the 1978 World Cup.  And the...

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