Category: Oil pastels

The Allotment

Out and about again today.  I thought I'd have a go with the oil pastels.  I've not painted plein air with them before and wanted to have a go,...

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Shaun Wallace, The Dark Destroyer

In yesterday's Bob Willis portrait, I felt a bit frustrated at how difficult it was to get a likeness using oil pastels when the face was so small....

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Bob Willis

Look, I'll make this quick today.  I was in the mood to draw a portrait and decided to go for an oil pastel of the late Bob Willis.  I started...

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The Road To Glencoe

I risked doing an oil pastel painting indoors today.  This landscape is based on the road into Glencoe from the East.  I've been to Glencoe a...

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The Old Man Of Stoor In Oil Pastel

I'm paying a second visit today to the Old Man Of Stoor on the Isle of Skye but this time with the oil pastels.  This time, though, I'm using oil...

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James Anderson

I was in the mood to do another oil pastel portrait today and I picked a source photo of James Anderson, the third highest wicket taking test...

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Bridge Near Oswaldkirk

Oil pastels are just too much fun.  Every other painting at the moment is in oil pastel and it's an oil pastel day today.  I thought I'd be...

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She Wore A Yellow Ribbon

After such a miserable effort yesterday, I had to go back to the oil pastels today. With the watercolours it's still touch and go whether I can...

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Two Trees, Hartlip House

After a flop with the watercolours, I'm back to the oil pastels again, where everything always seems to go well and I can regain some confidence. ...

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Animal Biscuit Valley, New Zealand

I'm still on the oil pastels but it's a landscape in New Zealand today.  Well kind of.  I've been a bit smart today and left out some rocks that...

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Rory Burns

I noticed the other day that I'd still not used my black oil pastel.  With watercolours, black's a pretty boring colour and a bad mixer.  I can...

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Annual Self Portrait 2022

It's time for the annual self portrait and after two years of inktense pencils, this year's portrait is in oil pastels.  I have a long way to go...

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Torres Del Paine National Park

Enough with the naked women, I'm back onto landscapes.  This is three artworks in successive days, which is pretty unusual for me. The subject...

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Sarah Ann

After a few weeks away following the loss of my father, I'm back to the artwork.  And I'm glad I am.  It was great to spend an hour and a half away...

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Mika M, In Action

How about some figure drawing in oil pastel?  I've tried it once before, here, without success but that was when I'd only just got the watercolours...

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I fancied giving the oil pastels a go today and this is what I came up with.  It's a view of Ullapool, a tiny town somewhere on the West Coast of...

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Frank’s Wood, Leith Hill, Surrey

It's getting cold and wet outside so the number of watercolour and oil paintings that I'll be doing the rest of this year is numbered.  Today I...

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El Bandito

Today's painting started off from a reference photo of Lee Van Cleef in The Good, The Bad And The Ugly  but I never could get any sort of likeness...

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