Category: Markers

Paul Dirac

I'm on a roll.  Where there's a Fermi, there has to be a Dirac.  Unfortunately this one isn't as good.  I had some trouble with Dirac's left eye...

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Enrico Fermi

It's time to start a new series of portraits.  As I felt good about drawing all those chess players, I'm going to go for another intelligent bunch...

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Fabiano Caruana

And here it is, the last one in the collection.  It's world number two Fabiano Caruana. I thought I'd go for a bright green background as that...

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Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

And today's second portrait is Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. A longer shot, this one, with more of the body showing (looking for variety).  The first...

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Anish Giri

It's the weekend and I'm back to drawing portraits of the with players in the FIDE Candidates tournament.  Today it's Anish Giri, a player with a...

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Ding Liren

And next up is world number 3, Ding Liren.  He's not doing too well at the candidates with just 2.5/7 at the point the tournament was paused.  I...

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Alexander Grischuk

Still tearing through the players at the 2020 FIDE Candidates tournament, starting today with Alexander "Sasha" Grischuk.  He's drawn all seven of...

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Wang Hao

My last chess portrait for the day.  I really should have stopped at two.  This portrait is instantly recognisable as my work but not so instantly...

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Ian Nepomniachtchi

Next up is joint tournament leader Ian Nepomniachtchi, generally referred to as Nepo, although I don't know whether people call him that to his...

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Kirill Alekseenko

Being stuck inside all day, I don't see much hope for doing many watercolours for a while.  And with me actually having a piece of work on a the...

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Two Self Portraits

All these portraits I've been rattling out with markers and I only just realised that I've not done any self portraits with the markers yet.  Time...

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Different Tables

I'm still at Medway Services and thought I'd carry on drawing when I saw this guy in green arrive.  He looked a bit sad in that beanie and had an...

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I've fallen into a trap.  Now everybody wants me to draw their portrait on their birthday.  This weekend it was Cathy's birthday and this is my...

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It's also Lizzie's birthday today, so here's another portrait.  I think this is more recognisably Lizzie than Amanda was Amanda.  You can see from...

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I'm quite getting into this portrait drawing with markers, although I still have a long way to go before I can call myself anything near...

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