Category: Markers

The Under The Desk Collection

Well, I can tell you that I will definitely be entering for Portrait Artist Of The Year again this time around.  Because, even if I don't have any...

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Under The Desk IV

And that's the Under The Desk collection completed.  For the colour scheme I chose the grey markers, putting down some vague value shapes and then...

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Under The Desk III

Here's the third in the under the desk collection.  Today The main two colours were my light and dark green.  Just as with the previous two...

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Under The Desk II

Look, I'm allowed to change my mind, OK?  Yesterday's portrait grew on me and Monday tends to be a short day, so I thought I'd continue with the...

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Under The Desk I

Applications for Portrait Artist Of The Year need to be in by the end of January, so I thought I'd better make a start on the 2024 self portrait...

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The Dads Army Collection

And here it is completed: The Dads Army Collection. From left to right, top to bottom: – Captain Mainwaring – Wilson – Jonesy – Godfrey and Pike –...

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Captain George Mainwaring

And finally here's the last portrait in the collection, Captain George Mainwaring, played by Arthur Lowe.  Along with Walker, one of my two...

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Sergeant Arthur Wilson II

I've had a second go at Wilson today.  After painting Wilson and Walker the first time around I think my portraitist skills (or was it just my...

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Private James Frazer

Today's addition to the set is Frazer, played by John Laurie, another actor born in the 19th century. After I found a picture of hin in his...

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Private Joe Walker II

For my second portrait today I had another go at Joe Walker.  This actually my third attempt.  I tried using the same source photo as first time...

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ARP Warden William Hodges

Up nice and early today and, with the chess not needing too much work today, I think I have time for two portraits.  First up is Hodges, played by...

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Lance Corporal Jack Jones

Only time for one more portrait today and it's Lance Corporal Jack Jones, played by Clive Dunn.  I picked out this portrait because of all...

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Private Joe Walker

Next up is Private Joe Walker, played by James Beck, one of my favourite two characters in this TV show.  What I liked about the source photo was...

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Sergeant Arthur Wilson

I was away for a few days for a wedding in Leeds last weekend and just started playing in a correspondence chess tournament.  With too much brain...

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United Underworld

And here's the United Underworld collection all together. Catwoman maybe looks a little weak but, being drawn at a different distance and with her...

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Gosh!  And the Catwoman too!  The four of them, their forces combined…why, the sum of the angels in that rectangle is too monstrous to...

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The Joker

The Joker!  Woi if only Oi had a nickel for every time he's foxed us! Yes, third up it's The Joker, played by Cesar Romero.  I decided overnight...

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The Riddler

The Riddler!  Back to plague us with his criminal conundrums! Next up in the United Underworld collection is The Riddler, played by Frank Gorshin....

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