Category: Inktense Pencils

Charlie, Dobbie And Mia Again

It's been a busy day.  Three works of art but two of them were so bad I'm not even going to show them here on the blog. The first was an attempt...

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Charlie, Dobbie And Mia

It's all very well putting together a collection of marker drawings of the Rose And Crown dogs, but I think the landlady wants a painting.  While a...

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Dobbie On The Sofa

Last night, when I nipped over to the Rose & Crown to pick up a takeaway (I had the duck pizza since you ask), the landlady suggested she might...

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Easter Island

I might have settled into a rut.  It's quite easy to keep drawing naked figures with inktense pencils, shading in the shadows and painting over...

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JenB, Kneeling

It's JenB again!  This is my third drawing of her.  Her poses are just consistently powerful, and that's what keeps me coming back to her. Today's...

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JenB, Recumbent

Much too early to put my gear away, so I followed up the marker portrait with a bit of figure drawing.  This is JenB's second appearance as one of...

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Thinking Jenni

A second appearance for Jenni, drawn using violet, light blue, deep indigo, fuchsia and sherbet lemon.  Those violet and indigo pencils are going...

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A late start in the painting today, so this will be the only one unless I decide to get the markers out and do a portrait.  Today's model is...

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Brie, Relaxed

You know me - when it comes to this figure drawing, I like to do two in a day.  This time, the model is Brie, someone I've drawn before but not...

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NMA Model 15

Today's model doesn't even have a name.  She's Model 15 from the New Masters Academy.  Great pose though. The idea behind this one was to make it...

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All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a lot of people out there who would rather see naked male bodies, so I...

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Aubrey, Seated

As I said in the previous post, it was time to do something different with the figure drawing rather than just turning the handle on the sausage...

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Aubrey, Standing

Back to figure drawing with the inktense pencils.  This is Aubrey. To be honest, this feels a bit lazy.  I've done so many of these figures using...

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Back to the figure drawing and inktense pencils.  I wanted to come up with something with lots of white highlights on the flesh.  And at the same...

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The second bit of figure drawing of the day.  This time it's Jenni. Back to the colours that work best for me at this sort of thing, with lots of...

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It's cold and wet outside, so no chance of any painting.  Instead, I'm indoors with the inktense pencils and plenty of Models just waiting to be...

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After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to...

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The Sneer

Oh dear.  A portrait of Zinedine Zidane in inktense pencils that went horribly wrong. The worst thing about it is the mouth.  Oh and the general...

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The Vulture

Well, I think I set off with the right intentions.  I wanted to do another portrait and wanted to take the easy route with a bald gentleman.  I...

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Annual Self Portrait 2020

I fancied another go with the inktense pencils but, rather than doing another female nude, thought I'd have a go at a self portrait. And,...

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