Category: Inktense Pencils

Sam Allardyce

I'm still in too much of a rush today.  After that Gareth Southgate disaster, I thought I'd move on to Big Sam.  At least I know from drawing him...

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Gareth Southgate

So the Euros have started and I'll be watching all three games today.  That's two good reasons for doing this inknse portrait of Gareth Southgate -...

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I've not done my artwork lately.  Too busy with a correspondence chess tournament - these things tend to take over your life.  But with one game...

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Inktense pencils are just too much fun to draw with, so here's another.  It's a debut for Margaret.  I've cropped her so I get no hands or feet. ...

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Kevin At The Interview

It's too hot outside today: watercolour paint will dry far too quickly.  So I'm indoors with the inktense pencils. It's back to one of my...

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Annual Self Portrait 2021

As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait?  I've decided that I need to do a self portrait every...

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Ten Greatest Chess Players

Continuing to experiment, today I'm trying two new approaches with the new drawing technique: multiple portraits crammed together and combining...

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Michael, Kneeling

There really needs to be a Sky Naked Figure Drawing Of The Year program.  I'm sure I could make a decent crack of it.  Inktense pencils are the...

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I've had a few days off and I really should get back to making the most of this break between jobs and doing some painting.  Today I planned five...

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Kevin, Annoyed

So after the disaster that was Brie In A Chair, I did another drawing straight away.  It's back to another old favourite, Kevin, who I've painted...

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Brie On A Chair

I'm taking a break from the watercolour for a day or two, so I've moved back to figure drawing with the inktense pencils today. First up is one of...

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Cathy Jean

Back to the inktense pencils and figure drawing. All these different artistic styles and media are like spinning plates and if I don't keep...

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Becca And Daniel

Too much swatching, time for some artwork.  I wasn't feeling up to going the full watercolour today so decided to do my first bit of inktense...

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Gestural Heather

Another go at an expressive, gestural bit of figure drawing.  I picked a pose by Heather for this one, wanting something simpler and quite liking...

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Gestural AnaIv

I was in the mood to take some risks today, so I thought I'd have a go at a technique recommended by Bill Buchman in Expressive Figure Drawing....

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Cross-Legged Jenni

For my second effort today, I'm back to Jenni for the third time. I picked a pose that didn't have much shadow to it in the hope that I could make...

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After all the dog drawing I needed a break last weekend but I'm back with the inktense pencils today. To start off, here's a new model, Kevin.  I...

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Time for a break from the dogs, so I did a bit of figure drawing.  Today's model is Heather. I chose quite a straightforward pose with an easily...

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