Category: Inktense Pencils

Stuart Broad

I don't want to spend more time talking about this one than I have to, so let's get on with it.  It's another cricketer portrait.  I needed two...

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William Shatner

It's been a long time since my last post but I've finally got to a day with no Christmas shopping, university pickups or doctor/dentist/optician...

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Sir Ian Botham

I've been watching more Liz Chaderton videos on YouTube. She's been busy with portraits throughout November and there was one yesterday where she...

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Stephanie R

I'm finding it hard at the moment to get the time to paint but I'm determined to take advantage of any opportunities that come my way.  I'm not...

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Felicia In Inktense Pencil

It's raining again and three successive days of drawing with coloured pencils would see my standards really drop, so I'm back to inktense pencils....

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It's raining outside, which is a big frustration because I have a great idea for my next watercolour.  Instead I'm stuck indoors and thought I'd...

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The weather wasn't looking good today so I stayed indoors.  After a run of straight edged figure drawing s with the coloured pencils, I'm back to...

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Back on the inktense pencils today.  Got to keep all those plates spinning.  Today's model is Candle, making her debut on theses pages.  Colours...

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Sarah Ann, Pensive

It's just too hot outside to paint this week, so I'll be having a run on the inktense pencils.  Today I picked a pose by Sarah Ann, someone I've...

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Adrina In Inktense Pencil

After that last painting, I wanted to have another go at painting Adrina in this pose, so it was back to the inktense pencils.  It's quite good...

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Charlie K

Wasn't feeling up to a landscape today so I reached for the inktense pencils for a bit of figure drawing.  Today's model is Charlie K, making her...

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Wake Up Kevin!

The second series of Drawers Off started on Channel & this week.  I didn’t watch much of the first series: requiring the artists to all take...

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EvaE Again

A day off today.  Or a day off from watercolour anyway.  There's something about using inktense pencils that makes painting less tiring than using...

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Jenni With Her Foot On A Box

This is Jenni's fourth appearance as a model on this blog.  She does some great power poses but I've not yet managed to do her justice.  Let's see...

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I would have been back on the watercolour today but there were various things breaking up my day and watercolour requires a bit of focus so I...

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Raven S

I was in the mood for drawing today and if I've learned anything over the last couple of months, being in (or not in) the mood makes a big...

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Inktense Purple Mix Testing

As I explain in the next post, I wanted to test out what sort of purples I could get from mixing the reds and blues in my inktense pencils.  Here's...

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Katya’s Back

It's been five days since the last painting as I've not quite felt in the right mood and I know from experience that if I'm not in the right move...

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So here's today's second effort.  A debut for BronwynS.  I won't spend too long writing this one up.  It doesn't deserve the time. I stared trying...

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