Category: Charcoal

The Man Who Found Out

After fixing a load of charcoal paintings the other day, I was in the mood for some charcoal action but took the day off yesterday to have another...

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Big Sam In Charcoal

This is one I've been planning for a while.  Ever since I read the Nathan Fowkes book, I've been meaning to do a charcoal portrait.  And as this...

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The Shard

It feels as if the big year end winddown has started.  This will be my final painting of the year but probably not my final post.  It's based on a...

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Since reading the Douglas Graves book, I've been intending to try out some figure drawing with the charcoal. I got around to it today with...

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Donald Trump

I took a break from the planets today.  A charcoal painting is long overdue and I thought I'd have a go at a charcoal portrait for the first time....

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The Old Forge, Inverie

This, or at least the building on the far left, is The Old Forge, a pub in the village of Inverie on the Knoydart Peninsula.  It was in the news...

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View From Ardtornish Castle

An old mate from Uni, Howard, was recently on holiday in the Scottish Highlands and Islands and posted loads of photos on Facebook.  The one on...

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Queendown Warren Car Park

So here's my first ever charcoal painting.  It's of the entrance to a car park in Queendown Warren, somewhere between Hartlip and Medway Services....

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Charcoal Swatching

My Jackson’s order finally made it through yesterday so I was almost ready to start using the charcoals but first I set out to the shops. I...

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Birthday Stash 2023

Right.  The post has arrived and I'm pretty sure that I won't be getting any more birthday presents for another year, so it's time for me to share...

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