Category: Artgraf


June's started slowly, just like every month. And, as is usual when I'm a little short of match practice, I'm coming back with a figure painting....

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13 September 1999

After yesterday's news that I won't be wildcard ing it at LAOTY and the arrival of two new Artgraf colours, today was ways going to be an Artgraf...

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AnaIv In Artgraf

I only had the energy for a quick painting today, so went for an idea that's been kicking around for a few days. A line drawing using fineliners...

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A late start today because I've been reading Daniella Brambilla's book on figure drawing (review coming soon).  Daniella did, though, give me an...

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New Court In Fineliner And Artgraf

I was hunting around on YouTube the other day for demonstrations of people using Artgraf blocks.  What I really wanted to see was people drawing...

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I'm back on the Artrafs today, aware of my promise from last time to hold back on the blue and not make the darks too dark. So here goes.  It's a...

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Back on the Artgrafs today, and I'm painting Ameeka for the first time. I thought I’d try replicating the success of  Thea 5 by using the exact...

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Still not feeling the watercolours so today's an Artgraf day.  It's also a day of experimentation because I've bought a hot pressed watercolour...

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Thea 5

Today's been quite a short day but, with England playing cricket tomorrow, I didn't want to take what would be two days off, so I went for a quick...

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Lumen F In Artgraf

The day's not over and I have gone for one more painting!  While my mind was still in the zone I thought I'd do that second Artgraf painting, this...

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The builders have finished work today and I have access to the studio again.  After a break of a couple of weeks, I was expecting my first couple...

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Warming Up With Collibrina

I was going through my folders of watercolour paintings yesterday, tidying them up ready for an art and craft fair later this month.  And I found...

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Duane Allman

I've been tearing through the artwork this week and thought I'd take a break, so spent most of the day out in the studio catching up on the novel...

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Thea In Artgraf

Yeah, too much other stuff going on in my life at the moment for me to be able to fully immerse myself in watercolours but I had a creative thought...

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Zaza II

So, as promised yesterday, I had another go at painting Zaza using the Artgraf colours.  I've used exactly the same pose but have made a change to...

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I'm back on the Artgraf paints today for a number of reasons.  It's pouring with rain outside for a start.  And I'm a little bit distracted by the...

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I'm conscious that my output with the Artgraf blocks has been a bit low so far and that I've not really yet worked out how to use them, so with...

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Artgraf Swatching

It's a new year and I want to be out painting as soon as possible so that I can get a set of paintings worth including in an entry to Landscape...

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‘Andles For Forks

And here's today's second painting.  It's Candle as the model again and this is her fourth appearance.  This time it's my second attempt at using...

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