Category: Given As Gifts

Paul With Markers

I've been out most of the day but came back to see some Facebook banter from old Christ's boy Paul wondering whether he could get me to send him...

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This is Tracey, a friend of the family.  She dabbles in painting herself and gave us. Painting of our dog Ruby last Christmas and it's been at the...

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Another house in the village but this time I've not been approached by the owners to paint it.  This one's a housewarming gift.  The guy that's had...

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The Red Lion, Weston

It was looking too hot outside today to venture out painting, so I looked through my files for something I could paint in a shady spot in the...

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Two Trees, Hartlip House

After a flop with the watercolours, I'm back to the oil pastels again, where everything always seems to go well and I can regain some confidence. ...

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There's a long story behind this one.  I didn't have much time to paint today but thought I'd been away from the brushes for too long so that I'd...

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Hartlip Church In The Snow

A month or so ago, someone from the village church was asking about the possibility of me painting something they could use for the church's...

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Hartlip Church In The Sun

It's the 29th of August already!  The local church has another tea and cake afternoon on 12th September and I promised them I'd have another...

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Hartlip Church In Oil Pastel

More practice drawing with the oil pastels today.  As I've got landscape colours, I thought I'd better have a go at a landscape, this time using...

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Secret Door Into Hartlip Church

The Euros start today, so my paintings might slow right down over the next few weeks unless I can start getting out of bed earlier.  There's only...

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Glean a’Chroin

I felt inspired by one of the subpaintings in my last post (The Joy Of Six).  It was the one in the bottom right. Winsor Orange and Indigo are like...

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Footpath, Lower Hartlip Road

Back to the painting after a few days' break.  This is another scene from the village.  Follow that footpath up the hill over the field and you...

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The Rose And Crown In The Snow

I was out and about in the village yesterday, taking more photos and everybody was coming up to me asking whether I was taking photos of scenes to...

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The Cheetah Woman

After the painting experiment two days ago that I unwrapped yesterday, I had an overnight think and decided that I was going to press ahead and...

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Another Abstract Underpainting

The markers and inktense pencils haven't really been working out for me over the last week or so, so I thought I'd better brave the cold outside...

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The Tree Of Life

My second painting of the day was a lot more successful. The underpainting was again in ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna.  With two...

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Eli Wallach

Today on Portrait Artist Of The Week It was Clare Balding.  I didn’t rate my chances of doing Clare justice so I've instead headed back to The...

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The Magnificent Seven

  And here's the set all together.  I actually think they work well as a collection.  They all have something different to bring to the party, just...

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And Introducing Horst Buchholz

And here's the last one in the set.  It's Horst Buchholz as Chico. I'm not sure he's instantly recognisable unless you're looking at all seven...

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