Category: Unknown Or Invented

Ugliest One Yet

8 February 2014 I think this was based on a photo I saw in the Metro.  Someone on Facebook asked whether that was a tiger in the trees.  Says it...

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A Moody Sky

19 January 2014 Could there be hope?  This is the best painting for a long time, possibly second only to the Pathside Sheep.  The sky, the pink...

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An Ugly Tree

4 January 2014 I like the colour of the hill in the background.  I was very pleased with that. The rest of it is awful.

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An Ugly Mountain

29 October 2013 We’re now in the Facebook era and everything I paint is going up there.  This means I get to show off all the clunkers on this...

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Two Random Landscapes

I wasn’t very good at painting and not that committed to improving.  I would have a quick burst of painting, then do nothing for three or four...

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Pathside Sheep

So we finally get on to watercolour.  I've always been hopeless at drawing or painting, so I don't know why it was that I went on the watercolour...

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