Category: Unknown Or Invented

Path To The Lake

I was in an experimental mood today.  I dug out the gesso and thought I'd have a go at applying it to the paper in stripes rather than all over....

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Waterfall Green

It's been cold outside for the last week or so and I'm going through a phase where I'm too messy to be able to work indoors so there's been a bit...

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Winter Roots

And for my second painting today, I thought I'd just throw everything on the paper and see what came out.  Here's what I ended up with. I...

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So, after the last painting was a quinacridone magenta free zone, I had to follow it up quickly with another painting. Something experimental,...

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Purple Rain

Today's effort is Purple Rain. I was thinking of doing some sort of blizzard scene as I was in the mood to do a moody sky and to flick paint all...

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Twist In My Sobriety

A second painting today and it's another abstract with inks. I was struggling to think of a name for it, so just picked the name of a Tania Tikaram...

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Horsehead Quarry

I thought I'd try something different. After checking out some Jean Lurssen videos on YouTube I thought I'd invest in some acrylic inks and have a...

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Snow In The Mountains

And here's the second snowy painting of the day. Brought to you by the colours cobalt blue, quinacridone magenta, raw sienna and burnt umber.  I'm...

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Rubbish Snow Painting

There's been a bit of snow overnight so I thought I'd have a go at doing some snow painting.  In fact I did two paintings at the same time.  This is...

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Colourful Sky

This was based on a photo of the Aurora Borealis where the lights were all in green.  I didn't manage to get the greens right and the sky looks...

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First Gesso

Today's painting follows hot on the heels of yesterday's, mainly because I spread a load of gesso on a watercolour sheet to dry overnight.  It's my...

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SIAS Newsletter November 2018

And here's another one.  This is called SIAS Newsletter November 2018 after the email that included the stock photo this was based on.  It's getting...

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Ugly Forest Path

30 July 2018 This was based on a picture on a birthday card.  It was a good choice of subject material.  But, as you can see, the execution was...

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Down T’Mill

16 July 2018 After Stock LinkedIn Photo With Bike Replaced With Dog got such a great reception on Facebook I thought I'd have another go at...

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Time Portal

11 June 2018 This is bad.  Very bad.  I still think the idea was a good one.  A landscape on a nice day, but with a sort of lens in front of it...

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Random Sunset On Cheap Paper

24 August 2014 I'm confused by this one.  Did I really come up with this on the same day as the Ugly Bay?  Because I don’t remember doing two on...

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An Ugly Bay

24 August 2014 I don’t think this one has any redeeming features.  The hill at the back covered in trees is just embarrassing.

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