Category: Unknown Or Invented

The Thin Ice

After the disaster that was The Brimham Rocks, I wasn't happy.  I wanted to chase the frustrations out of my system by bashing out a second...

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Life On Venus

I needed to do some painting this week.  I enjoy doing portraits with markers and figure drawing with inktense pencils but painting is my bread and...

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The Regeneration Of Lord Ernie

I got some silverbrush black velvet brushes for Christmas and have been itching to try them out, so braved the cold today and did some painting in...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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Three Days Of Snow

Back to painting again today and, for reasons that will become apparent, I wanted to get in some practice at snow paintings.  So I looked through...

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One For The Bin

All my artwork, good or bad, goes up on this website.  That's why I'm showing you this abomination. I saw a Jean Lurssen video this morning in...

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Winter Is Coming

I thought I'd have another go at turning an abstract underpainting into something recognisable.  This time, though, I made three changes.  The...

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The Glamour Of The Snow

I thought a bit of watercolour painting was overdue, so I've been out there this morning running off this little number.  The thunder started as I...

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The Hidden Gorilla

I've finished the experimental painting that I started on Thursday. I’ve added more watercolour.  This again is mainly Prussian blue, Indian...

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My Sunset’s On Fire

See, this is what happens when I go in without a real plan.  After all that experimenting with triads, I wanted to have a go at a painting using...

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Super Blood Wolf Moon

Today was going to be about bright colours.  I was still in my orange fixation but was also wanting to give the viridian another good workout.  I...

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We Will Make Them Give Us Light

After throwing my heart and soul into that last watercolour I wasn't ready to stop for the day.  I needed to "warm down" by doing something more...

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Bubble Horse Horse Bubble

It's a bank holiday, the sun's out and I'm back on the watercolours for the first time in months.  I've been pining for orange over the last couple...

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Two paintings today, both on cracklepasted board and both with the help of acrylic inks to bring out the cracks.  This is the first. This one...

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Stormy Abstract

And here's my second effort of the day.  Another with a specially prepared crackle paste surface.  This time, the special guest in the surface was...

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The Hills Are Alive

I think it must have been four days ago when I prepared a couple of crackle paste surfaces for painting.  I started painting on them yesterday but...

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Now What Are You Barking At?

And here's my latest Jane Betteridge inspired painting on an unusual surface.  It's my first go using crackle paste.  I bought an acrylic canvas...

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Hidden Village

This one's taken me a couple of days.  After reading Ann Blockley's Watercolour Workshop, I thought I'd have a go at painting a random abstract,...

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Last Days Of Summer

Another quite traditional looking painting today.  I was watching a YouTube video this morning where Gordon MacKenzie was showing how to paint...

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Sparkly Tree

After four paintings in a row based on the tried and trusted abstract silhouette style, I thought it was time for something different.  I was in...

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