Category: Unknown Or Invented

Tundra Colours

This painting was long overdue.  I'd had these tundra colours for a while and had painted a few snowy scenes in Nuuk, Greenland plus the odd U.K....

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Look Over Yonder

I'm still on the watercolours today but not in the mood to work long and hard at a painting.  Maybe it's because The Ashes are on; maybe it's...

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Egyptian Sorcery

Just a quick one today.  I had that one crackle pasted board still waiting to be used and wanted to cross it off my list so here goes. I started...

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A Bit Of Wood

So what have you painted today?  A tree.  What have you called it?  A Bit Of Wood - it's the name of an Alg…. Is it an interesting composition?...

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A Victim Of Higher Space

I enjoyed painting the foreground in that last painting so much that I decided to go straight into another painting afterwards.  So I reached for...

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The South Wind

Yesterday was a day off but I'm back painting again today.  I'm still not feeling up to painting some dead serious watercolours with my usual...

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The Wood Of The Dead

It feels a while since my last painting but it's only been a week.  My excuse is that I've been playing in a correspondence chess tournament.  I...

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Hills In Shire Colours

As I said in the last post, I felt like I could do a second quick painting today.   Because I’d managed to paint an imaginary landscape quite...

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Hills In Tundra Colours

The rain's finally stopped, so I'm back on the watercolours at last.  I thought I'd let myself back in gently by painting an imaginary landscape...

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Red House

Today's one of those weird days of the year.  The day before my birthday.  Who knows what sort of art gear or art books will appear tomorrow?...

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Ancient Lights

Abstract landscapes don't drain me as much as serious paintings, so after the last one, I was ready for a repeat performance. After a little bit...

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A Haunted Island

I'm taking a day off from serious watercolour painting today and going back to abstract landscapes.  I'm going back to the palette knife technique...

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All Along The Watchtower

Let's start off with the important news.  I've been rejected by Landscape Artist Of The Year 2023, so won't be in a pod.  But I'll be applying for...

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The Call

It's been a bad day today and that means I must have been painting with watercolour.  This bad run needs to come to an end soon. I thought I'd...

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The Whisperers

With those two jobs out of the way, I was ready to kick off my painting for 2022.  Be warned though, my first watercolour of the year is never...

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There's a long story behind this one.  I didn't have much time to paint today but thought I'd been away from the brushes for too long so that I'd...

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Still Raining, Still Dreaming

Having learned my lessons, here's my second attempt of the day.  There are only three colours in the whole painting.  Payne's grey and light red...

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The Wind Cries Mary

I was short of ideas today, so watched a few Jean Lurssen videos on YouTube for inspiration.  I was impressed by one "exercise" she did (for...

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The Joy Of Six

I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down.  This...

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