Category: Southern England – Other

Lewes Castle In Blue And Orange

I didn't waste any time sitting around thinking about doing a blue and orange painting and went straight into action this morning with another...

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Windsor Castle

Another watercolour landscape today and another one completed not long after lunch.  I can feel myself settling into a routine of painting in the...

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Lewes Castle

Here's a question for you.  Who had a UK number one in the 1979s with D.I.V.O.R.C.E.?  Good guess but you're wrong.  It was Billy Connolly with a...

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Avebury Stones

I was ready today to take a second stab at painting something with the Schmincke Shire watercolours.  I learned some lessons from my first go that...

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The Red Lion, Weston

It was looking too hot outside today to venture out painting, so I looked through my files for something I could paint in a shady spot in the...

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Frank’s Wood, Leith Hill, Surrey

It's getting cold and wet outside so the number of watercolour and oil paintings that I'll be doing the rest of this year is numbered.  Today I...

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Castles Made Of Sand

This is my second attempt at a painting with a complementary colour scheme.  The two colours are Winsor orange and French ultramarine.  In Quiller...

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Landscape Artist Of The Year

The program's over.  Nice that I got a big soundbite talking about how I was going to be painting on a map.  It's a shame that they only announced...

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Today's job was to prepare a couple of experimental crackle paste surfaces to use later in the week but I found myself pining to do some painting,...

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Bledlow Poppy

Well, I had a go at rescuing what was left after those two experiments. I painted over the sky, the trees and the orange background fields using...

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Lightning Over Henley-On-Thames

6 June 2018 Some more lightning, this time over Henley-On-Thames. You can probably tell that this painting's been cropped.  There was a car and...

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Lightning Over West Wellow

27 May 2018 There were some cracking thunderstorms in late May and I thought I'd have a go at painting one.  I dug around on the BBC News website...

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