Category: Scotland

Unidentified Scottish Hills

There's good news and bad news on the painting front.  First the bad news.  I won't be appearing on the next series of Landscape Artist Of The...

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Glean a’Chroin

I felt inspired by one of the subpaintings in my last post (The Joy Of Six).  It was the one in the bottom right. Winsor Orange and Indigo are like...

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The Old Man Of Tarsuinn

Today's subject is the Old Man of Tarsuinn, another rocky formation but this time closer to home on the Isle of Arran. Looking through my swatch...

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Blue Skye

After reading that Jane Betteridge book, I thought it was time to start painting on some unusual surfaces.  First up was painting on a map.  I...

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The Old Man Of Storr

It's a double painting day today. This time I've gone for a conventional landscape for the first time in a while.  It's the Old Man of Storr on the...

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I was feeling up for a challenge today, so I decided I'd do a painting that was a set of twelve random vignettes and that I'd ask friends on...

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Hadrian’s Wall

25 June 2018 I'd had some feedback that I was good at painting trees, so thought I'd better look for a good tree to paint.  A bit of googling of...

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