Category: Scotland

Ally MacLeod

A grim day today with a power cut in the morning and then no WiFi when the power came back on so I'm grabbing a sneaky coffee in Costa while I...

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Ardbeg Distillery

I'm back to painting distilleries.  Today it's the Ardbeg Distillery on the island of Islay.  I've deviated a bit from my normal rule here as I...

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Something about that Joe Jordan painting yesterday put me in a nostalgic mood and wanting to keep going back to the 1978 World Cup.  And the...

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Joe Jordan

Today I have been mostly painting a portrait of Joe Jordan.  As he's wearing a Scotland shirt it seemed appropriate to paint this one with three...

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The Sandstone Kagoule

I really shouldn’t be painting on Mondays.  Monday is housework day and after I've had breakfast, done the housework, finished my daily four mile...

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Craighouse, Jura

Spin The Wheel!  Last night I relaxed in my recliner chair in front of the telly (but reading a book) with a Jura mal5 that had been stored in old...

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Dalwhinnie Distillery

It's the weekend and the builders are off for the weekend so I'm back in the studio for a couple of days.  What to paint though?  Well, I can't...

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Inverie In Tundra Colours

I didn't stay away long.  I'm back to paint Inverie again, this time using the tundra supergranulators.  I've chosen a different viewpoint and was...

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The Old Forge In Watercolour

I'm back on the watercolours and couldn't resist having another go at The Old Forge in Ivernie.  It was tempting have a go at this scene in tundra...

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The Old Forge, Inverie

This, or at least the building on the far left, is The Old Forge, a pub in the village of Inverie on the Knoydart Peninsula.  It was in the news...

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View From Ardtornish Castle

An old mate from Uni, Howard, was recently on holiday in the Scottish Highlands and Islands and posted loads of photos on Facebook.  The one on...

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Stirling Castle

I was flicking through the Tony Smibert book this morning looking for inspiration for two forthcoming eye on the other side of the glass paintings....

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The Old Bridge, Latheronwheel

After reading those two books and coming up with this painting, I think I may finally have "got" coloured pencils.  It's all about adding multiple...

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The Road To Glencoe

I risked doing an oil pastel painting indoors today.  This landscape is based on the road into Glencoe from the East.  I've been to Glencoe a...

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The Old Man Of Stoor In Oil Pastel

I'm paying a second visit today to the Old Man Of Stoor on the Isle of Skye but this time with the oil pastels.  This time, though, I'm using oil...

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I fancied giving the oil pastels a go today and this is what I came up with.  It's a view of Ullapool, a tiny town somewhere on the West Coast of...

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