With the whole day available for painting today, I've finally completed a watercolour in the studio. Without wanting to take much time planning, I...
Category: Geographical Breakdown
Well this is something new. I'm writing up a painting before I've taken a photo because it's being left to dry overnight and seems to still be...
Hoodoo In The Chinle Formation
Afternoon all. First, the obligatory opening paragraph for this time of year. A big hello if you're here trying to decide whether to invite me...
Tree Looking Over Queendown Warren
Hello there, and a big hello if you're here trying to decide whether to invite me into one of the pods for Landscape Artist Of The Year. The...
The South Wind
Yesterday was a day off but I'm back painting again today. I'm still not feeling up to painting some dead serious watercolours with my usual...
Bowerman’s Nose, Dartmoor
Similar subject matter to yesterday but this time it's on Dartmoor rather than Bodmin Moor. This is a stack of granite called Bowerman's Nose. ...
Dragon Path
Preparation of the site for my art studio is now complete, touch wood, so I can go back to painting even if I'm still feeling a little stressed. I...
The Colours Of Nuuk
It's really cold outside today but I wanted to do some watercolour painting, so I picked some subject matter that had lots of simple shapes and...
View From Highest Point, Queendown Warren
Another plein air painting day today. I'm back in Queendown Warren again, but to keep things interesting I'm using watercolour rather than oil...
Chalk Face, Queendown Warren
I've been waiting a while for today to come round. The weather forecast was for the warmest day of the year so far and I've been itching to head...
Annual Self Portrait 2023
It's that time of year when a certain job comes up. It's time for the annual self portrait, something that I've been looking forward to for a...
Climate Change
It's been a while now since my last painting but I decided earlier in the week that today was going to be my first watercolour day of 2023. The...
Critiqued By Liron Yanconsky!
Today I was honoured to have my work critiqued on YouTube by Liron Yanconsky, an artist that I hugely admire. The link...
The Old Bridge, Latheronwheel
After reading those two books and coming up with this painting, I think I may finally have "got" coloured pencils. It's all about adding multiple...
Steps Up From The Street, Hartlip
The World Cup is over and there's only four days to go to Christmas. It's hard not to switch to wind down mode and watch Westerns all day but I...
Another house in the village but this time I've not been approached by the owners to paint it. This one's a housewarming gift. The guy that's had...
Number Eighteen
I was approached a week or two ago by a guy on the village who said he'd be interested in buying a painting of his house if I ever did one. I...
The Wood Of The Dead
It feels a while since my last painting but it's only been a week. My excuse is that I've been playing in a correspondence chess tournament. I...
Black Rock Cottage, Glencoe In The Key Of Purple Cool
So, as promised, here's another painting of Black Rock Cottage, but this time using more conventional watercolour.ours rather than the...
Black Rock Cottage, Glencoe In Tundra Colours
I promised people on LinkedIn that I'd start posting my artwork up there. Yesterday I put up my first figure drawing since retirement and it was...