I wanted to get back to painting buildings in landscapes, so picked out a photo of the Stevenson Building in Christ's College, Cambridge, the...
Category: Geographical Breakdown
I See The Gods In Battle Rage On High
I don't know why but when I have something to do later in the day it affects my painting. Ā I need to take my youngest to football training for 5pm...
Unidentified Scottish Hills
There's good news and bad news on the painting front. Ā First the bad news. Ā I won't be appearing on the next series of Landscape Artist Of The...
Glean a’Chroin
I felt inspired by one of the subpaintings in my last post (The Joy Of Six). Ā It was the one in the bottom right. Winsor Orange and Indigo are like...
The Joy Of Six
I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down. Ā This...
Annual Self Portrait 2021
As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait? Ā I've decided that I need to do a self portrait every...
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
This was quite quick to paint but took me all day to plan, so let's talk about planning first. Ā I've had an idea for a while about doing a painting...
Orchard Lea, Hartlip
Someone in the village asked me if I'd be interested in painting her house. Ā I gave her my standard answer, which is that I don't do commissions...
Footpath, Lower Hartlip Road
Back to the painting after a few days' break. Ā This is another scene from the village. Ā Follow that footpath up the hill over the field and you...
Archway Into Hartlip Church
Enough of these village houses! Ā I wanted to paint some stones, so it's back to the church to paint this archway again. I first drew the archway...
Cuckoo Orchard, Hartlip
Somebody in the village approached me the other day about painting his house. Ā We had a good long chat and I think he gets what my artwork is...
Hartlip House
After three days off watching the chess at the FIDE Candidates, I was back in the garden again painting another village scene. Ā I'm pretty sure the...
Place Meadow, Hartlip
Ā It's another Hartlip painting and, just like the last one, it features a house and is named after the house but the centre of interest in terms of...
Stonehall, Hartlip
I'm still painting Hartlip scenes. Ā Next up is Stonehall. Ā There's something I like about houses that are obscured behind trees where even the...
The Rose And Crown In The Snow
I was out and about in the village yesterday, taking more photos and everybody was coming up to me asking whether I was taking photos of scenes to...
View From Hartlip Church
And it's another Hartlip landscape! Ā This is the seventh and last of the Hartlip landscapes that I put together value plans for a while ago. Ā If I...
Footpath From The Village Hall To The Park, Hartlip
Back onto my series of Hartlip paintings with a bit of a clunker. Starting colours in this one were Prussian blue, Indian yellow, rose dore and...
Wisteria Cottage, Hartlip
Still on the Hartlip landscapes and today it's Wisteria Cottage. Ā Not that I can see much wisteria there if any. The main three colours today were...
St Michael’s & All Saints Church, Hartlip
Back in the garden again for another Hartlip painting. Ā Today it's the local church. Ā The plan was to use four colours: French ultramarine,...
Craiglea And Sanquhar, Hartlip
It's freezing outside so I only have one painting to add to the Hartlip collection today. Ā I picked this pair of cottages because they were white....