Category: Gear

Two New Artgraf Blocks

I’ve meaning to do this for ages but I finally got around to buying red and green Artfraf blocks to extend my collection to eleven colours. I'll...

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And we’re live!

A lot of this is similar to what came before. But will this new website platform make anything better for the visitors? Well: – The blog itself...

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Inktense Pencil Squad Tinkering

I'm taking a day off from painting, so here's a post with some swatching. I saw that Jacksons were doing deals this week on inktense pencils, so I...

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Random Painting Idea Generator

I might have retired as an actuary but you can't keep me away from spreadsheets.  On my walk today, rather than thinking about what painting I...

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Glazed Balls

My year end painting hiatus is still on but swatching doesn't count as painting in my book and there's an experiment that I've been meaning to try...

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New Books

Happy Christmas everybody. Unwrapping is over.  I'm now making my way through my job list: - squash up all the wrapping paper and put it in the...

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Artist Assist App

I discovered something new today, thanks to Liron Yankonsky's YouTube channel.  It's the Artist Assist App.  It seems to be a website at the moment...

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Charcoal Swatching

My Jackson’s order finally made it through yesterday so I was almost ready to start using the charcoals but first I set out to the shops. I...

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Birthday Stash 2023

Right.  The post has arrived and I'm pretty sure that I won't be getting any more birthday presents for another year, so it's time for me to share...

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Green Retreats

My art studio is well and truly complete following the placement this afternoon of a huge glass window unit that had some scratches in it.  And now...

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Coloured Pencil Full Swatch

It's all go at the moment.  We've got someone coming in on Tuesday to replace all the doors and windows in the house, which means not much time for...

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Some more gear arrived in the this this morning, so I'm taking a day off painting to prepare some surfaces for future paintings.  I have here: –...

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The New Studio

Two posts tonight.  Let's do this one first.  The big news is that I've moved into my art studio and it's ready for me to use.  Local firm AF...

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Art Studio Getting There

There's been a lot of garden action today.  The walls, roof, doors and windows have all gone up.  The builders will be back again tomorrow to...

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Art Studio Foundations

The builders have been round today to put in the foundations for my art studio.  I was only expecting them to putting the piles but they've also...

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