Category: For sale

Duane Allman

I've been tearing through the artwork this week and thought I'd take a break, so spent most of the day out in the studio catching up on the novel...

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Ancient Sorceries

I fancied giving the oil pastels another go today.  It feels like too long since I came up with a decent oil pastel painting.  I looked through my...

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I Can Read Your Mind

So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio.  Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...

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Jennifer Evie

I wasn’t in the mood for a long day of painting today, so decided to have another go at a figure drawing with the inktense pencils while the...

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Garrow Farm, Bodmin Moor

So here's the painting I've been busy with over the last couple of days.  It's a deserted farmhouse on a Bodmin Moor, a scene that's been in my...

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A Bit Of Wood

So what have you painted today?  A tree.  What have you called it?  A Bit Of Wood - it's the name of an Alg…. Is it an interesting composition?...

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A Victim Of Higher Space

I enjoyed painting the foreground in that last painting so much that I decided to go straight into another painting afterwards.  So I reached for...

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Jerry Garcia

I had a chance to do some painting today, so thought I'd better take it.  This was painted in the garden, but the original drawing went down at my...

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Hoodoo In The Chinle Formation

Afternoon all.  First, the obligatory opening paragraph for this time of year.  A big hello if you're here trying to decide whether to invite me...

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Thea In Artgraf

Yeah, too much other stuff going on in my life at the moment for me to be able to fully immerse myself in watercolours but I had a creative thought...

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Zaza II

So, as promised yesterday, I had another go at painting Zaza using the Artgraf colours.  I've used exactly the same pose but have made a change to...

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I'm back on the Artgraf paints today for a number of reasons.  It's pouring with rain outside for a start.  And I'm a little bit distracted by the...

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The South Wind

Yesterday was a day off but I'm back painting again today.  I'm still not feeling up to painting some dead serious watercolours with my usual...

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Bowerman’s Nose, Dartmoor

Similar subject matter to yesterday but this time it's on Dartmoor rather than Bodmin Moor.  This is a stack of granite called Bowerman's Nose. ...

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Dragon Path

Preparation of the site for my art studio is now complete, touch wood, so I can go back to painting even if I'm still feeling a little stressed.  I...

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Michael, Hot And Cold

After a couple of days off I'm back in action today.  But with a family do on tomorrow, I don't want to start a coloured pencil portrait and have...

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The YouTube Six

And here are the YouTube six in their full glory.  Somehow Lee's ugly arms and Liron's cartoony smile are no longer a problem.  These six guys just...

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Liron Yanconsky

Hey, what's up, it's the Artistic Actuary here. After portraits of a music reactor, a mathy, a physicist, a chess nut boasting in an open foyer...

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