Category: For sale

Winter Roots

And for my second painting today, I thought I'd just throw everything on the paper and see what came out.  Here's what I ended up with. I...

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The Day Ends, Springfield, Virginia

This one was inspired from a Facebook post that I saw only four hours ago of a sunset in Springfield, Virginia. It looks nothing like the original...

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So, after the last painting was a quinacridone magenta free zone, I had to follow it up quickly with another painting. Something experimental,...

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Purple Rain

Today's effort is Purple Rain. I was thinking of doing some sort of blizzard scene as I was in the mood to do a moody sky and to flick paint all...

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Twist In My Sobriety

A second painting today and it's another abstract with inks. I was struggling to think of a name for it, so just picked the name of a Tania Tikaram...

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Horsehead Quarry

I thought I'd try something different. After checking out some Jean Lurssen videos on YouTube I thought I'd invest in some acrylic inks and have a...

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Snow In The Mountains

And here's the second snowy painting of the day. Brought to you by the colours cobalt blue, quinacridone magenta, raw sienna and burnt umber.  I'm...

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Colourful Sky

This was based on a photo of the Aurora Borealis where the lights were all in green.  I didn't manage to get the greens right and the sky looks...

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Derek’s Dinner

The 2019 collection has started early! This one's called Derek's Dinner after I got the idea from a friend who posted a picture of some sort of...

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Hadrian’s Wall

25 June 2018 I'd had some feedback that I was good at painting trees, so thought I'd better look for a good tree to paint.  A bit of googling of...

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