Category: For sale


After all the dog drawing I needed a break last weekend but I'm back with the inktense pencils today. To start off, here's a new model, Kevin.  I...

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Time for a break from the dogs, so I did a bit of figure drawing.  Today's model is Heather. I chose quite a straightforward pose with an easily...

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Easter Island

I might have settled into a rut.  It's quite easy to keep drawing naked figures with inktense pencils, shading in the shadows and painting over...

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JenB, Kneeling

It's JenB again!  This is my third drawing of her.  Her poses are just consistently powerful, and that's what keeps me coming back to her. Today's...

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JenB, Recumbent

Much too early to put my gear away, so I followed up the marker portrait with a bit of figure drawing.  This is JenB's second appearance as one of...

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Michael Clarke Duncan

Ok, so there was still time left in the day for a portrait with the markers.  The Daredevil film was on the telly the other day and I couldn't help...

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A late start in the painting today, so this will be the only one unless I decide to get the markers out and do a portrait.  Today's model is...

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Brie, Relaxed

You know me - when it comes to this figure drawing, I like to do two in a day.  This time, the model is Brie, someone I've drawn before but not...

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NMA Model 15

Today's model doesn't even have a name.  She's Model 15 from the New Masters Academy.  Great pose though. The idea behind this one was to make it...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a lot of people out there who would rather see naked male bodies, so I...

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Aubrey, Seated

As I said in the previous post, it was time to do something different with the figure drawing rather than just turning the handle on the sausage...

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After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to...

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Sedona, Arizona

Yesterday's High Noon painting was a bit lacking in colour for one of my creations, so I thought I'd do something colourful today: a three colour...

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High Noon

With not many ideas about what to paint and not wanting to keep doing abstract after abstract, I thought I'd have a go at another famous Western....

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Led Zeppelin

And here's the complete Led Zep collection. The four drawings are all in different styles but work well as a set.  Four different colour...

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After a bit of a break from them, I picked up the paints again yesterday.  I couldn't decide what to paint is thought I'd start with some random...

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Rob Key

It's been a good summer of test cricket.  I was watching it yesterday and suddenly realised that Sky cricket pundit Rob key would make a great...

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The Rush Collection

And here's the complete set together.  It may even surpass the chess player set that I thought was my opus magnus. It's up for sale.

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And here's another naked female figure.  This is Rhus, another model from I took a different approach with this one.  This...

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