Category: Triadic Left

Porto City Hall Tower

Today's painting is the second, after The Transfer, to be inspired by a photo taken by my mate Olly on his recent holiday in Portugal. Whisper it,...

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Flatter To Deceive

I've finally gotten around to completing my Planets collection with a portrait of Earth.  I don't know why this has taken so long because I've had...

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‘Andles For Forks

And here's today's second painting.  It's Candle as the model again and this is her fourth appearance.  This time it's my second attempt at using...

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Number Eighteen

I was approached a week or two ago by a guy on the village who said he'd be interested in buying a painting of his house if I ever did one.  I...

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Stockbury Church Tower

For my final dash and splash of the day, I headed out to Stockbury Church and settled down in a spot that I'd painted from before.  After not being...

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Hartlip Church Tower 2

Tempting as it is to binge read my pile of new art instruction books, I do really need to test out some of my new art gear.  First up are the...

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Red House

Today's one of those weird days of the year.  The day before my birthday.  Who knows what sort of art gear or art books will appear tomorrow?...

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I'm on the watercolours again today.  In an attempt to find some form, I'm going for a colourful bit of figure drawing as that normally works out...

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Raiders Of The Lost Ark

This was quite quick to paint but took me all day to plan, so let's talk about planning first.  I've had an idea for a while about doing a painting...

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Orchard Lea, Hartlip

Someone in the village asked me if I'd be interested in painting her house.  I gave her my standard answer, which is that I don't do commissions...

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Cuckoo Orchard, Hartlip

Somebody in the village approached me the other day about painting his house.  We had a good long chat and I think he gets what my artwork is...

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Moose On The Phoenix Trail

Reading that George Blacklock book during the week I started to think about how artists like Dali, Mageitte and Blacklock himself have common theme...

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Life On Venus

I needed to do some painting this week.  I enjoy doing portraits with markers and figure drawing with inktense pencils but painting is my bread and...

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Sedona, Arizona

Yesterday's High Noon painting was a bit lacking in colour for one of my creations, so I thought I'd do something colourful today: a three colour...

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Christ’s College, Cambridge

I've still not given up hope of being invited into Sky Landscape Artist Of The Year as a wildcard, so with that competition likely to be focused on...

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Lancashire Sunset

Today's painting was inspired by a photo by a guy called Brandon Lee Keefe of a sunset from St Peter's Church in Hersham.  I say inspired rather...

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The Glamour Of The Snow

I thought a bit of watercolour painting was overdue, so I've been out there this morning running off this little number.  The thunder started as I...

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The Hidden Gorilla

I've finished the experimental painting that I started on Thursday. I’ve added more watercolour.  This again is mainly Prussian blue, Indian...

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