Category: Purple Cool

(Two Of) The Hateful Eight

I thought it was about time I went back to my most popular series of paintings, the abstractified Westerns.  Today, I found a still from The...

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I thought it was about time I did another Western silhouette painting as they're always popular. Today's painting is based on a still from Hondo, a...

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Sparkly Tree

After four paintings in a row based on the tried and trusted abstract silhouette style, I thought it was time for something different.  I was in...

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I'm doing two paintings today.  Both are based on photos transcribed onto paper by dividing them into grids.  Both have the figures masked out, the...

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I've been thinking for a while about painting an elephant Hazel Soan style and finally got around to it today. The elephant itself was first...

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The Old Man Of Storr

It's a double painting day today. This time I've gone for a conventional landscape for the first time in a while.  It's the Old Man of Storr on the...

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Snow In The Mountains

And here's the second snowy painting of the day. Brought to you by the colours cobalt blue, quinacridone magenta, raw sienna and burnt umber.  I'm...

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