Category: Orange Warm

Venus And The Petrova Line

I'm back on the planets again and today it's Venus.  It took me a long time to come up with an idea about how to make a painting of Venus a bit...

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Blackpool Pleasure Beach

My second episode as a wildcard at Landscape Artist Of The Year was screened in February 2023 but here's what I had to say after filming in June...

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Thurnham Castle

Today I've been on a day trip to paint Thurnham Castle.  It's a little bit to the North of Maidstone and is just a pair of hills, one of which has...

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Pale Horse Rider

OK, so I was in an Allman Betts Band mood today.  After painting Devon Allman, I thought I should really also paint Duane Betts.  But the best...

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Unidentified Scottish Hills

There's good news and bad news on the painting front.  First the bad news.  I won't be appearing on the next series of Landscape Artist Of The...

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Hartlip House

After three days off watching the chess at the FIDE Candidates, I was back in the garden again painting another village scene.  I'm pretty sure the...

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The Old Man Of Tarsuinn

Today's subject is the Old Man of Tarsuinn, another rocky formation but this time closer to home on the Isle of Arran. Looking through my swatch...

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High Noon

With not many ideas about what to paint and not wanting to keep doing abstract after abstract, I thought I'd have a go at another famous Western....

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Bubble Horse Horse Bubble

It's a bank holiday, the sun's out and I'm back on the watercolours for the first time in months.  I've been pining for orange over the last couple...

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Now What Are You Barking At?

And here's my latest Jane Betteridge inspired painting on an unusual surface.  It's my first go using crackle paste.  I bought an acrylic canvas...

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Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid

And here's today's second painting.  This one really is a Western.  For once it's an action scene rather than a pose.  I'm going to claim that I've...

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