Category: Orange Cool

The Transfer

Today's painting is based on a photo taken by an old friend Olly while (I believe) on holiday in Portugal. He did it had an Edward Hopper feel to...

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Lewes Castle In Blue And Orange

I didn't waste any time sitting around thinking about doing a blue and orange painting and went straight into action this morning with another...

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Out On Queendown Warren

  A tale of two paintings today.  It wasn’t supposed to come out like this but I've ended up with one in the background and one on the foreground....

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New Court In Fineliner And Artgraf

I was hunting around on YouTube the other day for demonstrations of people using Artgraf blocks.  What I really wanted to see was people drawing...

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Joe Strummer

I'm back from the Upchurch art exhibition now and my studio's all back to normal.  I only sold the one painting, The Happiest Days Of Our Lives...

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Sir Bobby Charlton

Sorry everybody.  I screwed up today.  Rather than doing a fourth portrait in a row I should have switched back to painting planets.  I need to...

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Today's planet is Mercury, sharing its name with the messenger of the Roman gods and therefore deserving of a pair or wings.  For the three colours...

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The Old Forge In Watercolour

I'm back on the watercolours and couldn't resist having another go at The Old Forge in Ivernie.  It was tempting have a go at this scene in tundra...

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The Long Reach, Cambridge

So today I headed out to the river to do some painting.  Not being allowed to paint inside colleges and having my building draftmanship confidence...

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A Moment At Stonehenge

It was supposed to be the start of the big heatwave today but for most if the day it's been exactly the opposite.  For the first time since I had...

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Duane Allman

I've been tearing through the artwork this week and thought I'd take a break, so spent most of the day out in the studio catching up on the novel...

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I Can Read Your Mind

So I had the first chance in a while to do some undisturbed painting in the studio.  Well I say that but in reality I only started at 2pm and had...

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A Haunted Island

I'm taking a day off from serious watercolour painting today and going back to abstract landscapes.  I'm going back to the palette knife technique...

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An Arrogant Intrusion

I was watching an interesting video by Liron Yanconsky on YouTube the other day in which he painted a church in monochrome without putting down a...

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Force Of Life

So here's my second painting of the day.  Again, this was all about having fun rather than creating a masterpiece.  My idea on this one was to...

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The Trinity Hall Wall

I've been rereading Webb On Watercolour and was reminded of the push-pull technique which I never got around to trying out, so I thought I'd give...

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Hartlip Church In The Sun

It's the 29th of August already!  The local church has another tea and cake afternoon on 12th September and I promised them I'd have another...

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