Category: Green Cool

The Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

More watercolour! More European mountains! More Slovakia? No. Let me stop you there. These mountains are in Slovakia; yesterdays were in...

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The Studio

I wandered around the village for a while looking for a subject for my third dash & splash. I wanted to find a drawing spot in the shade as the...

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L Staircase, Christ’s College

For my first watercolour in 26 days (!) I'm back to Christ's College again.  This is the entry to L staircase, a part of the college I'm very...

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Clare Bridge, Cambridge

Back to the painting today after what's been quite a long break.  Today's subject is Clare Bridge from Clare College, Cambridge, a subject that's...

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Secret Door Into Hartlip Church

The Euros start today, so my paintings might slow right down over the next few weeks unless I can start getting out of bed earlier.  There's only...

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Footpath, Lower Hartlip Road

Back to the painting after a few days' break.  This is another scene from the village.  Follow that footpath up the hill over the field and you...

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Place Meadow, Hartlip

  It's another Hartlip painting and, just like the last one, it features a house and is named after the house but the centre of interest in terms of...

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Thatch Cottage, Hartlip

And here it is, the first of a series of paintings based on my home village of Hartlip.  This is Thatch Cottage, a cottage that's been rethatched...

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The Brimham Rocks

Today's subject is The Brimham Rocks, a rock formation somewhere near Harrogate in North Yorkshire.  My rocky paintings have been pretty good this...

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Today's job was to prepare a couple of experimental crackle paste surfaces to use later in the week but I found myself pining to do some painting,...

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Denali National Park

I thought it was about time I did something more conventional.  Nothing abstract, no acrylic inks, no salt.  Just a plain simple landscape.  And I...

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He Knows, Doctor, He Knows

I'd had a couple of requests to paint a Star Trek scene and this is what I came up with.  It's based on a shot near the end of The City At The Edge...

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Waterfall Green

It's been cold outside for the last week or so and I'm going through a phase where I'm too messy to be able to work indoors so there's been a bit...

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