Category: All Artwork


It's cold and wet outside, so no chance of any painting.  Instead, I'm indoors with the inktense pencils and plenty of Models just waiting to be...

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After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to...

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The Sneer

Oh dear.  A portrait of Zinedine Zidane in inktense pencils that went horribly wrong. The worst thing about it is the mouth.  Oh and the general...

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Sedona, Arizona

Yesterday's High Noon painting was a bit lacking in colour for one of my creations, so I thought I'd do something colourful today: a three colour...

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The Tree Of Life

My second painting of the day was a lot more successful. The underpainting was again in ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna.  With two...

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One For The Bin

All my artwork, good or bad, goes up on this website.  That's why I'm showing you this abomination. I saw a Jean Lurssen video this morning in...

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Led Zeppelin

And here's the complete Led Zep collection. The four drawings are all in different styles but work well as a set.  Four different colour...

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John Paul Jones

And here he is at last, John Paul Jones.  The only bassist to have ever given me any trouble (Geddy Lee, Jimbo and Roy are three of my greatest...

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Robert Plant

Next up in the Led Zep collection is Robert Plant.  Those curls were always going to make this a difficult job but I don't think this came out too...

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John Bonham

Next up in the Led Zep collection is the late John Bonham.  He's going to look like the odd one out in this collection, being drawn in his heyday...

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Jimmy Page

Before I get back to the paints, some portraits with markers.  And after the Rush collection turned out so well, I thought I'd go slightly more...

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The Vulture

Well, I think I set off with the right intentions.  I wanted to do another portrait and wanted to take the easy route with a bald gentleman.  I...

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Annual Self Portrait 2020

I fancied another go with the inktense pencils but, rather than doing another female nude, thought I'd have a go at a self portrait. And,...

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Winter Is Coming

I thought I'd have another go at turning an abstract underpainting into something recognisable.  This time, though, I made three changes.  The...

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After a bit of a break from them, I picked up the paints again yesterday.  I couldn't decide what to paint is thought I'd start with some random...

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Rob Key

It's been a good summer of test cricket.  I was watching it yesterday and suddenly realised that Sky cricket pundit Rob key would make a great...

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The Rush Collection

And here's the complete set together.  It may even surpass the chess player set that I thought was my opus magnus. It's up for sale.

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Alex Lifeson

And here's Alex Lifeson, the third and final member of Rush. It's not the greatest likeness and the left hand and guitar aren't great but it fits...

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Neil Peart

Next up in either the Rush collection or supergroup collection is the late Neil Peart, one of the greatest drummers of all time and an amazing...

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Geddy Lee

Time for another set of marker portraits.  I've done chess, physics and westerns, so it's time to start on another passion: music. This is Geddy...

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