I'm doing two figure drawings today. I bought a new cartridge pad the other week…

So here’s today’s second effort. A debut for BronwynS. I won’t spend too long writing this one up. It doesn’t deserve the time.
I stared trying to do this as a monotone in indigo. Before adding water, I decided I needed a second colour and went for leaf green. Then I added the water. I didn’t like what I ended up with, so added some fuchsia and bright blue and added the water. Still didn’t like it, so I darkened all the shadows on the body with indigo, ignoring how large shadows on the body have been proven on this blog not to work. And because everything was already ruined, I saw no harm in adding a shadow at the back in bark and brightening up the background with sun yellow and tangerine.
And, you know what? I ended up with a complete mess, worse even than today’s first effort. It’s so rushed that there’s even a dribble of indigo ink down Bronwyn’s left thigh where I couldn’t wait for everything to dry before taking a photo.
That’s two rushed paintings today that have ended up as disasters. It’s a fine ambition to try to paint as often as possible but I really to be better at recognising when I’m not in the right mood to paint.
<A few days later and this is starting to grow on me. There’s movement there, as if Bronwyn’s leaning forwards and there are multiple exposures.>
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