I promised people on LinkedIn that I'd start posting my artwork up there. Ā Yesterday I…

Black Rock Cottage, Glencoe In The Key Of Purple Cool
So, as promised, here’s another painting of Black Rock Cottage, but this time using more conventional watercolour.ours rather than the supergranulators. Ā Because that this is a whitewashed building, the colour scheme is a no brainier. Ā Quinacridone magenta, French ultramarine and transparent yellow male up the all conquering purple cool combination. Ā Titanium white also made an appearance, just tidying up some white edges.
I really went to town on this one. Ā With the supergranulating colours, I needed to keep things quite watery to get the granulation patterns but now, with conventional watercolours, I could use multiple layers and build up some dark values. Ā Apart from the shadowy wall, I think everything here has used multiple layers, with some quite random colours going on.
For the roofs, for example, I started with fairly random yellows, reds and blues which I left to dry before mixing a reddish brown and glazing it over the top. Ā With the sky I threw on the blue and red fairly randomly before dabbing out some clouds. Ā The hills are a mixture of multiple random glazes with some dabbing and the odd bit of deliberate darkening around the chimneys in an attempt to get them to stand out. Ā For the greenery, there were the random glazes and some flicks with the Merlin brush to create grassy textures. Ā No dabbing though. Ā And for the sunny wall facing us, I went through a process several times where ai put on some random watery colours, wet them more to make them run, then dabbed most of them out.
And that was pretty well it. Ā Just as I was packing away I realised that my brown glaze over the roofs had wiped out the roof windows, so I added these back in as a last step.
Overall, this isn’t too bad and looks good from a distance, even if those roof windows stand out a bit too much for my liking. Ā And I don’t think it’s my best multicoloured sunny white wall. Ā But it’s going up for sale.
Comparing this to the same building in tundra colours, I prefer the tundra version but that’s mainly down to the roof windows. Ā In terms of colour scheme, they’re just different and hard to compare.
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