I got all these nine new art instruction books for my birthday. It may take…

Birthday Stash 2023
Right. The post has arrived and I’m pretty sure that I won’t be getting any more birthday presents for another year, so it’s time for me to share the news.
First up, that’s a set of Derwent tinted charcoal pencils at the front. I’ve been thinking for a while that I should try drawing with charcoal and I can start on that pretty soon. The big attraction of charcoal for me is being able to get physical with the medium and to sculpt shapes on the paper with my fingers, much as I do with oil pastels. And I like to sculpt 3D shapes with my strokes in figure drawing whatever the medium, so figure drawing with charcoal is calling to me. But I’ll be giving landscapes and portraits a go too.
Also there, poking out from under the lid is a Jacksons gift voucher. It’s already spent and I’m waiting for more stash to arrive. There will be the paper and fixative I need to be able to start drawing with the charcoal. And. Pencil case for t pencils as I don’t trust these Derwent tins to not ping open at the wrong time and send pencils all over the floor. And then to fill out the pencil case I’m needing paper stumps, an eraser to draw with, a sharpener, paper stumps, sandpaper for the stumps and a chamois to draw with. It’s all on the way. I may also nip into the local art store to pick up three or four more charcoal pencil colours in open stock and maybe a cheap wide brush for tidying up. Let’s see what will fit in the case first though.
And finally, there are nine art books there sitting waiting to be read and reviewed and I expect it will take me three months plus to get through that pile but we’ll see.
Fun times ahead!
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