Birthday Stash 2/4: Fineliners

Next up are these fineliner pens, complete with pen case and extra smooth watercolour paper to use them on.  The case is big enough to also fit the pencil, rubber, white gel pen, mapping pen and plastic tubes to blow through that I take around with my watercolours, which is good.

I already have plans for these pens.  I’ll be heading out and about with the pens and the pad and drawing landscapes in quite a bit of detail with dark areas blacked out or hatched.  Maybe two or three landscapes in a day.  Then when I get home, I have my tin of Winsor & Newton halfpans earmarked for adding a bit of colour.  I’ve thought ahead a bit and built a spreadsheet that will pick three colours from the tin, excluding black and white, and only allowing one colour from each of a set of defined families (red, yellow, blue, violet, green, orange, brown).  Whatever three colours are picked for each sketch, they’ll be used to add colour to that sketch.  There will be no redraws.  It will add a bit of risk and excitement.  I’m looking forward to it.  It will also give that tin of halfpans some purpose in life: with so many colours it’s prefect for this role.
Because this is all about doing a sketch, running home and throwing on some loose watercolours, I’m calling this technique dash and splash.  I’ll fill out the whole of that book with dash and splashes.  Who knows, maybe I’ll put together a dash and splash series of every Cambridge college if number two son makes it into Trinity Hall and I have 24 taxi runs to do over the next four years.
I’ll wait and see whether any books on line and wash arrive before setting out though.

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