Birthday Stash 1 of 3: Inktense Pencils

It was my birthday yesterday, and there was some stuff in my stash that I need to show off here.

First up is this set of inktense pencils, which my oldest bought for me.  I’ve used inktense blocks a bit in the past but only in white and in earthy colours to add to watercolour paintings.  So I know I can draw with them or draw then wet them or wet them then draw with them.  But this is a wide range of vibrant colours, so I’m going to try doing some painting using only these pencils.

I also got the Bill Buchman Expressive Figure Drawing book in my stash (more on books in another post) and, just flicking through, I already have the idea of drawing figures with all sorts of coloured pencils, then brushing them over with water and letting the ink form all sorts of shadows but I need to do some reading first.  I’ll probably be doing this on A5 watercolour paper rather than going the full 9 by 12.  Definitely looking forward to that.

A lot of thought went into this.  Cracking present.

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