I got all these nine new art instruction books for my birthday. It may take…

Birthday Stash 1/4: Schmincke Supergranulating Watercolours
So it’s my birthday and I’ve got a lot of new art gear. Jeepers. So much that I’ve split it all over four posts, three of which will set me off in new artistic directions.
First up, here are two sets of supergranulating watercolour paints by Schmincke. I’ve seen swatches of these and they’re amazing. They don’t just granulate but they divide up into separate colours. There are ten colours here, far too many to crowbar into my main palette. Instead, I’m going to dedicate an old palette tin to these. Both sets will fit in the tin, one down one side and one down the other. There may be room to fit a couple more colours in there: I may well put in a red or two to supplement what’s a very green looking Shire set.
Needless to say, I’ll be getting some more rough watercolour paper in and doing some paintings using only these sets separately (maybe with an extra red or two for Shire). The two sets each look like they harmonise together around the theme named on the box. This should be good.
Looking further ahead, if these work out well, then I may look at their component pigments and consider introducing them to my main palette. In particular, Potters’ Pink is in some of the tundra colours and could be an alternative, less dirty looking, alternative to hematite violet genuine at some point.
Looking forward to relying these out.
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