This book keeps popping up on my Amazon recommendations. Ā When I took a look inside,…

Big Brush Watercolour, Ron Ranson – Book Review
This one’s one step up from Frank Clarke. It’s about painting landscapes in a fairly loose manner. Ā Using a big brush as it says in the name of the book. It goes into more detail about how to compose landscapes and paint things like trees, skies and foregrounds. Ā It adds depth to everything Frank had to say in his book. Ā It’s also 128 pages long and he also has no greens in his palette.
It was a useful book to read but there are so many books out there that are aimed at this particular stage of an artist’s development. Ā For me, this one struggles to stand out from a crowded section of the shelf in Foyles. Ā And just flicking through the book as I sit here, I find Ron’s palette a bit dull. Ā He uses a lot of burnt umber and raw sienna and only four primaries, including the opaque cadmium yellow. Ā Even the background colour on the front of the book looks like the skirting boards in a dentist’s waiting room that’s overdue for repainting. Ā My artwork has always been more vibrant than Roy’s, even when I was using cadmium and lemon yellows. Ā All a bit depressing but still worth three palettes.
You can find this book and more reviews of it at Amazon UK here.Ā As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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