30 July 2018 This was based on a picture on a birthday card. It was…

Because The Night
I was in an experimental mood today. I wanted to try out more of my new Inktense pencil colours, the saddle brown and sepia ink not having been given a runout yet. And I wanted to try a bit of minimalist drawing after reading the Frédérick Forest book.
My plan was to fill the paper fairly randomly with inktense pencil marks, albeit leaving a bright sunlit band of saturated colours sweeping over it, leaving unsaturated colours in the tip left and top right. I’d then use a water rush to paint a London skyline across the top of the painting and a simplified figure along the bottom (Becca being today’s model, by the way).
And I did all this, the most difficult bit was being able to see the outline that I’d drawn before adding the pencil marks. I did go over the pencil marks with the green inktense pencil to try to make them clearer but they ended up looking too clear. Clearly it will be a delicate balancing act if I go down this route again. Still, after wetting the skyline and figure lines, this didn’t look too bad for a first attempt. I added some more water in downwardly dribbling vertical lines be this looked good too.
But then I tinkered and ruined everything. I thought the composition could do with some diagonal lines to keep it interesting, so I sprayed some watery lines into it, from top right to bottom left. I think I used the wrong spray bottle here, ending up with too much water on the page. Maybe just flicking a bit on with my finger would have been better. Still, there are always ways to make things even worse and I did this by rubbing kitchen paper diagonally along the watery marks, leaving everything in a mess.
And then I rescued things by going over the lines with a fineliner pen. After doing this, I even wet all the remaining marks with kitchen paper, stroking from top right towards bottom left. And that was me definitely done for the day.
It was an interesting g experiment. Some stuff worked, some didn’t. But I know that next time I’ll start by going over the lines with fineliners. Then I’ll add the dry Inktense pencil marks, then wet them with brushes in a downwards direction, not necessarily exactly to/from the lines. And I may add some small watery drips but nothing excessive. Still, that’s all for next time.
This one’s not going up for sale.
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