As I said in the previous post, it was time to do something different with…

Aubrey, Standing
Back to figure drawing with the inktense pencils. This is Aubrey.
To be honest, this feels a bit lazy. I’ve done so many of these figures using similar colour schemes. It’s not taking me forwards in any way churning out the same old stuff. It even feels like a bit of a cheat using a pose like this with the body arched backwards showing off the breasts after a similar sort of pose proved to be popular on Facebook. And the background curtains are becoming a bore.
Still, a decent painting. The worst thing about it is probably the curtains where the light looks like it’s coming from the left when it should be from the right.
For my next figure drawing, I need to do something different. Challenge myself.
<Edit: I originally put this one up for sale but looking at what I’ve managed to produce as at September 2021, this is a long way short of my best work.>
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