Another Experiment

I’ve been taking another look through Ann Blockley’s Watercolour Workshop over the last couple of evenings, so was in the mood for another of those experiments where I just create an abstract letting the paint do all the work, then try to turn it into something mor realistic afterwards.

I’m halfway through now, having created this abstract background. Ā I started with some directionally spattered masking fluid. Ā One bit came out in a big glob, which I scraped some lines into – that’s the big white bit down the left.

Next I painted over it all with the triadic left trio (Indian yellow, Prussian blue, quinacridone magenta) which was so successful in that sunset a few weeks ago. Ā But I also invited viridian to the party. Ā That’s mainly down the left with some blue and yellow added in places.

While the paint was still wet, I added some acrylic inks (Earth red, sepia, indigo, waterfall green and what little I had left of gold). Ā I dropped in some granulation fluid and tried to get the ink to move around a bit by tipping it around.

And then I chucked on some salt down what is the right hand side, put a crunched up bit of Easter egg foil in the middle and wrapped it all in that transparent spotty textured crinkly paper that French sticks come in. Ā I didn’t put any weight on top today – I just sat there and watched it dry while kicking myself for forgetting to add some bits of torn up watercolour paper on top. Ā Oh well.

And here’s how it all turned out after removing the salt and masking fluid. Ā There are some interesting table salt effects against the pink in the bottom right but these are a bit too subtle compared to everything else to be able to attract attention. Ā I like the scratch marks in the big masked area on the left too. Ā There’s maybe a bit too much of the Earth red ink in there though, and I did have trouble getting the waterfall green ink to run around. Ā And maybe there’s too much green down the left, both from the paint and the ink.

What to do with it though? Ā I could turn it 90 degrees to the left and try to turn it into a landscape but that feels a bit too obvious and the colours fit the subject too well. Ā Instead, my favourite idea for now Ā (and I’m going to keep thinking for a couple of days) is to keep it this way round and turn it Into some sort of simian looking face staring out to the right. Ā Or turn it upside down and turn it into an orang utang.

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